Cancer Prevention Institute
Dedicated to promoting cure by early detection and research to prevent cancer since 1933

Early detection is your best protection
Esophageal & Gastric Cancer Screening and Prevention
1. Guidelines for Screening
Risk factors for esophageal cancer:
Age 45 to 70 years
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Barrett’s esophagus
Asian Flush Syndrome (in response to alcohol)
Bile reflux
Chewing tobacco
Drinking very hot liquids
Prior radiation therapy to the chest or upper abdomen
Eating insufficient fruits and vegetables
Eating foods preserved in lye, such as lutefisk, a Nordic recipe for whitefish and some olive recipes
Being male
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Caustic esophageal injury
Risk factors for gastric cancer:
H. Pylori
Atrophic gastritis
Intestinal metaplasia on endoscopic gastric biopsy
First generation Japanese living in the United States
Pernicious anemia
Prior distal gastrectomy
Lack of fresh fruits and vegetables
Eating foods prepared in salt such as pickled vegetables
Family history of gastric cancer
Esophageal cancer
Screening endoscopy is not appropriate for all patients with GERD
There is no level I evidence that screening for esophageal cancer will lower the very high mortality of the disease but cancers diagnosed in patients with Barrett’ s Esophagus who have been screened with esophagogastroscopy, tend to be at earlier stages than cancer patients who have not been screened
Screening patients with GERD, of whom about 10 percent are associated with Barrett’s esophagus with annual esophagoscopy. About 10% of these patients will develop esophageal cancer in their lifetime
Smoking is a strong risk factor for squamous cancers of the esophagus and to a lesser degree adenocarcinomas
Gastric cancer
There is no level 1 evidence that screening for gastric cancer will lower the very high mortality of the disease
Gastric cancer patients who are under the age under the age of 50 should be screened for HNPCC or Familial gastric cancer
2. Cancer Prevention
Patients with Barrett’s esophagus, and dysplasia on biopsy, may reduce their chances of esophageal cancer with treatment of their GERD and local ablative therapy to the Barrett’s disease
Not smoking
Quitting smoking preferably by joining a smoking cessation program
Eating more fruits and vegetables