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Comparative Efficacy of Extracts from Lycium Barbarum Bark and Fruit on Estrogen Receptor Positive Human Mammary Carcinoma MCF-7 Cells.
Telang N, Li G, Sepkovic D, Bradlow HL, Wong GY.

Nutrition and Cancer 2014 (in press)


LRP6 exerts non-canonical effects on Wnt signaling during neural tube closure.
Gray JD, Kholmanskikh S, Castaldo BS, Hansler A, Chung H, Klotz B, Singh S, Brown AM, Ross ME.

Human Molecular Genetics.2013 Aug 12. [Epub ahead of print]


Functional consequences of Wnt-induced dishevelled 2 phosphorylation in canonical and non-canonical Wnt signaling.

González-Sancho JM, Greer YE, Abrahams CL, Takigawa Y, Baljinnyam B, Lee KH, Lee KS, Rubin JS,

Brown AM.

Journal Biological Chemistry 2013;288:9428-37.


Early-stage breast cancer treated with 3-week accelerated whole-breast radiation therapy and concomitant boost.
Chadha M, Woode R, Sillanpaa J, Lucido D, Boolbol SK, Kirstein L,

Osborne MP, Feldman S, Harrison LB.

International Journal Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics 2013; 86:40-4.




Breast cancer subtypes in Asian-Americans differ according to Asian ethnic group.
Chuang E, Christos P, Flam A, McCarville K, Forst M, Shin S, Vahdat L, Swistel A, Simmons S, Osborne M, Moore A, Mazundar, M, Klein P.

Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2012;14:754-8.


Epithelial cell culture models for the prevention and therapy of clinical breast cancer.
Telang N, Katdare M.

Oncology Letters 2012;3:744-750.


Anti-proliferative effects of the Chinese herb Cornus officinalis in a cell culture model for estrogen receptor-positive clinical breast cancer.
Telang NT, Li G, Sepkovic DW, Bradlow HL, Wong GY.

Molecular Medicine Reports 2012;5:22-28.


Effect of caloric intake on Western-style diet-induced intestinal tumors in a mouse model for hereditary colon cancer.
Itano O, Fan K, Yang K, Suzuki K, Quimby F, Dong Z, Jin B, Edelmann W,  Lipkin M.

Nutrition and Cancer 2012;64:401-8.


Noncanonical Wnt signaling promotes osteoclast differentiation and is facilitated by the human immunodeficiency virus protease inhibitor ritonavir.
Santiago F, Oguma J, Brown AM, Laurence J.

Biochemistry, Biophysics Research Communications 2012; 417: 223-30.




An RNAi-based chemical genetic screen identifies three small-molecule inhibitors of the Wnt/wingless signaling pathway.
Gonsalves FC, Klein K, Carson BB, Katz S, Ekas LA, Evans S, Nagourney R, Cardozo T, Brown AM, DasGupta R.

Proceedings of the National Academy Science USA 2011;108:5954-63.


Altered folate availability modifies the molecular environment of the human colorectum: implications for colorectal carcinogenesis.
Protiva P, Mason JB, Liu Z, Hopkins ME, Nelson C, Marshall JR,  Lambrecht RW, Pendyala S, Kopelovich L, Kim M, Kleinstein SH, Laird PW, Lipkin M, Holt PR.

Cancer Prevention Research 2011;4:530-43.


Cox-2 expression, PGE2 and cytokines production are inhibited by endogenously synthesized n-3 PUFAs in inflamed colon of fat-1 mice.
Gravaghi C, La Perle KM, Ogrodwski P, Kang JX, Quimby F, Lipkin M, Lamprecht SA.

Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 2011;22:360-5.


Adipocyte-derived factor as a modulator of oxidative estrogen metabolism: implications for obesity and estrogen-dependent breast cancer.
Bradlow HL, Sepkovic DW, Telang N, Tiwari R.

In Vivo 2011;25:585-8.


Preclinical in vitro models from genetically engineered mice for breast and colon cancer
Telang N, Katdare M

Oncology Reports 2011 25:1195-1201.



BRCA1 and BRCA2 families and the risk of skin cancer

Ginsburg OM, Kim-Sing C, Foulkes WD, Ghadirian P, Lynch HT, Sun P,

Narod SA; Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group (Osborne M).

Familial Cancer 2010;9:489-93.


Mammary stem cells and cancer: roles of Wnt signaling in plain view.
Many AM, Brown AM.

Breast Cancer Research 2010;12:313.


Family history of cancer and cancer risks in women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations.
Metcalfe K, Lubinski J, Lynch HT, Ghadirian P, Foulkes WD, Kim-Sing C, Neuhausen S, Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group (Osborne M).

Tung N, Rosen B, Gronwald J, Ainsworth P, Sweet K, Eisen A, Sun P, Narod SA;

Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2010;102:1874-8.


Alcohol consumption and the risk of breast cancer among BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers.
Lynch HT, Neuhausen SL, Domchek S, Armel S, Isaacs C, Tung N, Sweet K, Ainsworth P, Sun P, Krewski D, Narod S; Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group (Osborne M).

Breast 2010;19:479-83.


Fertility in women with BRCA mutations: a case-control study.
Pal T, Keefe D, Sun P, Narod SA.

Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group (Osborne M).

Fertility and Sterility 2010;93:1805-8.




Smoking and the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers: an update.
Ginsburg O, Ghadirian P, Lubinski J, Cybulski C, Lynch H, Neuhausen S, Kim-Sing C, Robson M, Domchek S, Isaacs C, Klijn J, Armel S, Foulkes WD, Tung N, Moller P, Sun P, Narod SA; Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group

(Osborne M).                                                                         

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2009;114:127-35.


Managing a small recurrence in the previously irradiated breast: Is there a second chance for breast conservation?
Chadha M, Trombetta M, Boolbol S, Osborne MP.

Oncology 2009;23: 933-40.


Western-style diets induce oxidative stress and dysregulate immune responses in the colon in a mouse model of sporadic colon cancer.
Erdelyi I, Levenkova N, Lin EY, Pinto JT, Lipkin M, Quimby FW, Holt PR.

Journal of Nutrition 2009;139:2072-8.


Sulindac effects on inflammation and tumorigenesis in the intestine of mice with Apc and Mlh1 mutations.
Itano O, Yang K, Fan K, Kurihara N, Shinozaki H, Abe S, Jin B, Gravaghi C, Edelmann W, Augenlicht L, Kopelovich L, Kucherlapati R, Lamprecht S,Lipkin M.

Carcinogenesis 2009;30:1923-6.


Chemoprevention of colorectal neoplasia by estrogen: potential role of vitamin D activity.
Protiva P, Cross HS, Hopkins ME, Kállay E, Bises G, Dreyhaupt E, Augenlicht L, Lipkin M, Lesser M, Livote E, Holt PR.

Cancer Prevention Research  2009;2:43-51.


Western-style diet-induced colonic tumors and their modulation by calcium and vitamin D in C57Bl/6 mice: a preclinical model for human sporadic colon cancer.
Newmark HL, Yang K, Kurihara N, Fan K, Augenlicht LH, Lipkin M.

Carcinogenesis 2009;30:88-92.


Growth inhibition of estrogen receptor positive human breast cancer cells by Taheebo from the inner bark of Tabebuia avellandae tree.
Mukherjee B, Telang N, Wong GY

International Journal Molecular Medicine 2009; 24:253-260.


Lycium barbarum inhibits growth of estrogen receptor positive human breast cancer cells by favorably altering estradiol metabolism.
Li G, Sepkovic DW, Bradlow HL, Telang NT, Wong GY.

Nutrition and Cancer 2009;61:408-414.


Novel cell culture model for prevention of carcinogenic risk in familial adenomatous polyposis syndrome.
Telang N, Katdare M

Oncology Reports 2009;21:1017-1021.




Sentinel node positivity rates with and without frozen section for breast cancer.
Arora N, Martins D, Huston TL, Christos P, Hoda S, Osborne MP, Swistel AJ, Tousimis E, Pressman PI, Simmons RM.

Annals of Surgical Oncology 2008;15:256-261.


Effectiveness of a noninvasive digital infrared thermal imaging system in the detection of breast cancer.
Arora N, Martins D, Ruggerio D, Tousimis E, Swistel AJ, Osborne MP,

Simmons RM.

American Journal of Surgery 2008:196:523-526.


An uncommon (hepatic) scintiscan during sentinel node biopsy--an optical illusion.

Vaidya J, Osborne MP

International Journal of Surgery 2008;6:422-423.


Spontaneous and therapeutic abortions and the risk of breast cancer among BRCA mutation carriers
Friedman E, Kotsopoulos J, Lubinski J, Lynch HT, Ghadirian P, Neuhausen SL, Isaacs C, Weber B, Foulkes WD, Moller P, Rosen B, Kim-Sing C, Gershoni-Baruch R, Ainsworth P, Daly M, Tung N, Eisen A, Olopade OI, Karlan B, Saal HM, Garber JE, Rennert G, Gilchrist D, Eng C, Offit K, Osborne M, Sun P, Narod SA. Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Group

Breast Cancer Research 2008;191:111-9 .


Does Oncotype DX recurrence score affect the management of patients with early-stage breast cancer?
Asad J, Jacobson AF, Estabrook A, Smith SR, Boolbol SK, Feldman SM, Osborne MP, Boachie-Adjei K, Twardzik W, Tartter PI.

American Journal of Surgery 2008;196:527-9.


Hormone therapy and the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers
Eisen A, Lubinski J, Gronwald J, Moller P, Lynch HT, Klijn J, Kim-Sing C, Neuhausen SL,Gilbert L, Ghadirian P, Manoukian S, Rennert G, Friedman E, Isaacs C, Rosen E, Rosen B, Daly M, Sun P, Narod SA.

Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group (Osborne M).

Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2008;100:1361-7.

Predictors of contralateral prophylactic mastectomy in women with a BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 mutation  
Metcalfe KA, Lubinski J, Ghadirian P, Lynch H, Kim-Sing C, Friedman E, Foulkes WD Domchek S, Ainsworth P, Isaacs C, Tung N, Gronwald J, Cummings S, Wagner T, Manoukian S, Møller P, Weitzel J, Sun P, Narod SA

Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group (Osborne M).

Journal of Clinical Oncology 2008; 26:1093-7.


Do additional shaved margins at the time of lumpectomy eliminate the need for re-excision?
Jacobson AF, Asad J, Boolbol SK, Osborne MP, Boachie-Adjei K, Feldman SM.

American Journal of Surgery 2008;196:556-8.

Predictors of contralateral prophylactic mastectomy in women with a BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 mutation
Metcalfe KA, Lubinski J, Ghadirian P, Lynch H, Kim-Sing C, Friedman E, Foulkes WD Domchek S, Ainsworth P, Isaacs C, Tung N, Gronwald J, Cummings S, Wagner T, Manoukian S, Møller P, Weitzel J, Sun P, Narod SA.

Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group (Osborne M).

Journal of Clinical Oncology 2008; 26:1093-7.


Wnt signaling in liver cancer.
Takigawa Y, Brown AM.

Current Drug Targets. 2008;9:1013-24.


International variation in rates of uptake of preventive options in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers.
Metcalfe KA, Birenbaum-Carmeli D, Lubinski J, Gronwald J, Lynch H, Moller P, Ghadirian P,Foulkes WD, Klijn J, Friedman E, Kim-Sing C, Ainsworth P, Rosen B, Domchek S, Wagner T, Tung N, Manoukian S, Couch F, Sun P, Narod SA; Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group (Osborne M).

International Journal of Cancer 2008; 122: 2017-22.


Loss of Rb1 in the gastrointestinal tract of Apc1638N mice promotes tumors of the cecum and proximal colon.
Kucherlapati MH, Yang K, Fan K, Kuraguchi M, Sonkin D, Rosulek A, Lipkin M, Bronson RT, Aronow BJ, Kucherlapati R.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 2008;105:15493-8.


Dietary induction of colonic tumors in a mouse model of sporadic colon cancer.
Yang K, Kurihara N, Fan K, Newmark H, Rigas B, Bancroft L, Corner G,

Livote E, Lesser M, Edelmann W, Velcich A, Lipkin M, Augenlicht L.

Cancer Research 2008;68:7803-10.


Interaction of Muc2 and Apc on Wnt signaling and in intestinal tumorigenesis: potential role of chronic inflammation.
Yang K, Popova NV, Yang WC, Lozonschi I, Tadesse S, Kent S, Bancroft L, Matise I, Cormier RT, Scherer SJ, Edelmann W, Lipkin M, Augenlicht L, Velcich A.

Cancer Research 2008;68:7313-22.


Dietary calcium and cholecalciferol modulate cyclin D1 expression, apoptosis, and tumorigenesis in intestine of adenomatous polyposis coli1638N/+ mice.
Yang K, Lamprecht SA, Shinozaki H, Fan K, Yang W, Newmark HL, Kopelovich L, Edelmann W, Jin B, Gravaghi C, Augenlicht L, Kucherlapati R, Lipkin M.

Journal of Nutrition 2008;138:1658-63.


Growth inhibition of colon cancer cells by polyisoprenylated benzophenones is associated with induction of the endoplasmic reticulum response.
Protiva P, Hopkins ME, Baggett S, Yang H, Lipkin M, Holt PR, Kennelly EJ, Bernard WI.

International Journal of Cancer 2008;123:687-94.




Age at first birth and the risk of breast cancer in BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 mutation carriers.
Kotspoulos J, Lubinski J, Lynch HT,Klijn J, Ghadirian P, Neuhausen SL, Kim-Sing C, Foulkes WD, Moller P, Isaacs C, Domcheck S, Randall S, Offit K, Tung N, Ainsworth P, Gershoni-Baruch R, Eisen A, Daly M, Karlan B, Saal HM, Couch F, Pasini B, Wagner T, Friedman E, Rennert G, Eng C, Weitzel J, Sun P, Narod SA; Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group, Garber J, Osborne M, Fishman D, McLennan J, McKinnon W, Merajver S, Olsson H, Provencher D, Pasche B, Evans G, Meschino WS, Lemire E, Chudley A Rayson D, Bellati C.

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2007;105:221-228.


William Stewart Halsted: His life and contributions to cancer
Osborne MP

Lancet Oncology 2007;8:256-65.


Concurrent invasive ductal carcinoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia manifesting as a collision tumor in the breast
Cheung K, Tam W, Chuang E, Osborne MP

Breast Journal 2007; 13: 413-17.


GRB10 binds to LRP6, the Wnt co-receptor and inhibits canonical Wnt signaling pathway.
Tezuka N, Brown AM, Yanagawa S.

Biochemistry Biophysics Research Communications 2007;356:648-54.


Piroxicam increases colon tumorigenesis and promotes apoptosis in Mlh1 +/- /Apc1638(N/+) mice.
Palmerini E, Fan K, Yang K, Risio M, Edelmann W, Lipkin M, Biasco G.

Anticancer Research 2007;27:3807-12.


Molecular targets of calcium and vitamin D in mouse genetic models of intestinal cancer.
Yang K, Lipkin M, Newmark H, Rigas B, Daroqui C, Maier S, Augenlicht L.

Nutrition Reviews 2007;65:S134-7.


Tumor progression in Apc(1638N) mice with Exo1 and Fen1 deficiencies.
Kucherlapati M, Nguyen A, Kuraguchi M, Yang K, Fan K, Bronson R, Wei K, Lipkin M, Edelmann W, Kucherlapati R.

Oncogene 2007;26:6297-306.


Vitamin D and prevention of breast cancer: pooled analysis.
Garland CF, Gorham ED, Mohr SB, Grant WB, Giovannucci EL, Lipkin M, Newmark H, Holick MF, Garland FC.

Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2007;103:708-11.

Optimal vitamin D status for colorectal cancer prevention: a quantitative meta- analysis.
Gorham ED, Garland CF, Garland FC, Grant WB, Mohr SB, Lipkin M, Newmark HL, Giovannucci E, Wei M, Holick MF.

American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007;32:210-6.


Cell culture model for colon cancer prevention and therapy: an alternative approach to animal experimentation.

Telang N, Katdare M.

Alternative to Animal Experimentation 2007;24:16-21.


Combinatorial prevention of carcinogenic risk in a model for familial colon cancer.
Telang N, Katdare M.

Oncology Reports 2007;17:909-914.




Fibromatosis of the breast: case report and current concepts in the management of an uncommon lesion
Schwarz GS, Drotman M, Rosenblatt R, Milner L, Shamonki J, Osborne MP

Breast Journal 2006;12:66-71.


Tamoxifen and contralateral breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers: An update
Gronwald J, Tung N, Foulkes WD, Offit K, Gershoni R, Daly M, Kim-Sing C, Olsson H, Ainsworth P, Eisen A, Saal H, Friedman E, Olopade O, Osborne MP, Weitzel J, Lynch H, Ghadirian P, Lubinski J, Sun P, Narod SA. Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group.

International Journal of Cancer 2006;118:2281-2284.


The influence of additional surgical margins on the total specimen volume excised and the reoperative rate after breast-conserving surgery.
Huston TL, Pigalarga R, Osborne MP, Tousimis E

American Journal of Surgery 2006;192:509-12.


Wnt5a signaling induces proliferation and survival of endothelial cells in vitro and expression of MMP-1 and Tie-2.
Masckauchán TN, Agalliu D, Vorontchikhina M, Ahn A, Parmalee NL, Li CM, Khoo A, Tycko B, Brown AM, Kitajewski J.

Molecular Biology Cell 2006;17:5163-72.


Cancer risks in first degree relatives of BRCA1 mutation carriers: effects of mutation and proband disease status.
Gronwald J, Huzarski T, Byrski B, Medrek K, Menkiszak J, Monteiro AN, Sun P, Lubinski J, Narod SA.

Journal of Medical Genetics 2006;43:424-8.


Cancer risk assessment at the atomic level.
Monteiro AN
, Couch FJ.

Cancer Research 2006;66:1897-9.


Interaction of genetic and dietary factors in mouse intestinal tumorigenesis.
Augenlicht LH, Yang W, Mariadason J, Velcich A, Klampfer L, Lipkin M, Yang K.

Journal of Nutrition 2006;136:2695-6.


Mechanisms of action of vitamin D: recent findings and new questions.
Lipkin M, Lamprecht SA.

Journal of Med Food 2006;9:135-7.


Nutrients regulate the colonic vitamin D system in mice: relevance for human colon malignancy.
Cross HS, Lipkin M, Kállay E.

Journal of Nutrition 2006;136:561-4.


The role of vitamin D in cancer prevention.
Garland CF, Garland FC, Gorham ED, Lipkin M, Newmark H, Mohr SB,

Holick MF.

American Journal of Public Health 2006;96:252-61.


Calcium plus vitamin D alters preneoplastic features of colorectal adenomas and rectal mucosa.
Holt PR, Bresalier RS, Ma CK, Liu KF, Lipkin M, Byrd JC, Yang K

Cancer 2006;106:287-96.


Prevention of early-onset familial/hereditary colon cancer: new models and mechanistic biomarkers.
Telang NT, Li G, Katdare M

International Journal of Oncology 2006;28:1523-1529.




Do bone marrow micrometastases correlate with sentinel lymph node metastases in breast cancer patients?
Trocciola SM, Hoda S, Osborne MP, Christos PJ, Levin H, Martins D, Carson J, Daly J, Simmons RM

Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2005;200:720-726.


Using media messaging to promote healthful eating and physical activity among urban youth
Carter BJ, Birnbaum AS, Hark L, Vickery B, Potter C, Osborne MP

Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 2005;37:98-99.


Radiation induced angiosarcoma after mastectomy and TRAM flap breast reconstruction
Hanasono MM, Osborne MP, Dielubanza EJ, Peters SB, Gayle LB

Annals of Plastic Surgery 2005;54:211-214.


A pooled analysis of bone marrow micrometastasis in breast cancer
Braun S, Vogl FD, Naume B, Janni W, Osborne MP, Coombes RC, Schlimok G, Diel IJ, Gerber B, Gebauer G, Pierga J-Y, Marth C, Oruzio D, Wiedswang G, Solomayer E-F, Kundt G, Strobl B, Fehm T, Wong GYC, Bliss J, Vincent-Salomon A, Pantel K

New England Journal of Medicine 2005;353: 793-802.

Paroxetine is an effective treatment for hot flashes: results from a prospective randomized clinical trial
Stearns V, Slack R, Greep N, Henry-Tilman R, Osborne MP, Bunnell C, Ullmer L, Gallagher A, Cullen J, Gehan E, Hayes D, Isaacs C

Journal of Clinical Oncology 2005; 23: 6919-6930.


Canonical Wnt signaling: high-throughput RNAi widens the path.
Brown AM

Genome Biology 2005;6:231.


BRCA1 in breast and ovarian cancer predisposition.
Billack B, Monteiro AN.

Cancer Letters 2005;227:1-7.


Breast cancer susceptibility and the DNA damage response.
Dapic V, Carvalho MA, Monteiro AN.

Cancer Control 2005;12:127-36.


Dominant effects of an Msh6 missense mutation on DNA repair and cancer susceptibility.
Yang G, Scherer SJ, Shell SS, Yang K, Kim M, Lipkin M, Kucherlapati R, Kolodner RD, Edelmann W.

Cancer Cell 2004;6:139-50.

Classification of BRCA1 missense variants of unknown clinical significance.

Phelan CM, Dapic V, Tice B, Favis R, Kwan E, Barany F, Manoukian S, Radice P, van der Luijt RB, van Nesselrooij BP, Chenevix-Trench G, kConFab, Caldes T, de la Hoya M, Lindquist S, Tavtigian SV, Goldgar D, Borg A, Narod SA, Monteiro AN.

Journal of Medical Genetics 2005;42:138-46.


Dietary components modify gene expression: implications for carcinogenesis.
Yang K, Yang W, Mariadason J, Velcich A, Lipkin M, Augenlicht L.

Journal of Nutrition 2005; 135:27:10-4.


Vitamin D and prevention of colorectal cancer.
Gorham ED, Garland CF, Garland FC, Grant WB, Mohr SB, Lipkin M, Newmark HL, Giovannucci E, Wei M, Holick MF.

Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2005;97:179-94.


Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonist troglitazone induces colon tumors in normal C57BL/6J mice and enhances colonic carcinogenesis in Apc1638 N/+ Mlh1+/- double mutant mice.
Yang K, Fan KH, Lamprecht SA, Edelmann W, Kopelovich L, Kucherlapati R, Lipkin M.

International Journal of Cancer 2005;116:495-9.




Breast cancer in patients with residual invasive carcinoma is more accurately staged with additive tumor size assessment

Hollenbeck ST, Cellini C, Christos P, Varnado-Rhodes Y, Martins D, Nussbaum M, Osborne MP, Simmons R.

Annals of Surgical Oncology 2004;11:59-64.


Guidelines for the management of women at increased familial risk of breast cancer

Sauven P, on behalf of the Association of Breast Surgery Family History Guidelines Panel (Osborne MP et al)

European Journal of Cancer 2004;40:653-665.


Bone marrow micrometastases and adjuvant treatment of breast cancer

Yu JJ, Brennan M, Christos, P, Osborne MP, Hoda S, Simmons RM

Breast Journal 2004;10:181-185.


Moller P, Methods to classify BRCA1 variants of uncertain clinical significance: the more the merrier.

Dennis J, Ghadirian P, Little J, Lubinski J, Gronwald J, Kim-Sing C, Foulkes W,

Billack B, Monteiro AN.

Cancer Biology and Therapeutics  2004;3:458-9.


Coordinate regulation of neural tube patterning and proliferation by TGFbeta and Wnt activity.

Chesnutt C, Burrus LW, Brown AM, Niswander L.

Developmental Biology 2004;274:334-47.


Wnt proteins in mammary development and cancer.

Brennan KR, Brown AM.

Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia 2004;9:119-31.


Wnt-1 expression in PC12 cells induces exon 15 deletion and expression of L-APP.

Morin PJ, Medina M, Semenov M, Brown AM, Kosik KS.

Neurobiol Dis. 2004;16:59-67.


Wnt proteins induce dishevelled phosphorylation via an LRP5/6- independent mechanism, irrespective of their ability to stabilize beta-catenin.

González-Sancho JM, Brennan KR, Castelo-Soccio LA, Brown AM.

Molecular and Cell Biology 2004; 24: 4757-68


Truncated mutants of the putative Wnt receptor LRP6/Arrow can stabilize beta-catenin independently of Frizzled proteins.

Brennan K, Gonzalez-Sancho JM, Castelo-Soccio LA, Howe LR, Brown AM.

Oncogene 2004;23:4873-84


Wnt signaling and breast cancer.

Howe LR, Brown AM.

Cancer Biology and Therapeutics 2004; 3: 36-41.


TGF beta1 and PDGF AA override collagen type I inhibition of proliferation in human liver connective tissue cells.

Geremias AT, Carvalho MA, Borojevic R, Monteiro AN.

BMC Gastroenterology 2004; 4: 30.


Integrated evaluation of DNA sequence variants of unknown clinical significance: application to BRCA1 and BRCA2.

Goldgar DE, Easton DF, Deffenbaugh AM, Monteiro AN., Tavtigian SV,

Couch FJ; Breast Cancer Information Core (BIC) Steering Committee.

American Journal of Human Genetics 2004;75:535-44.


Understanding germ-line mutations in BRCA1.

Szabo CI, Worley T, Monteiro AN.

Cancer Biology and Therapeutics 2004;5:15-20.


An Msh2 point mutation uncouples DNA mismatch repair and apoptosis.

Lin DP, Wang Y, Scherer SJ, Clark AB, Yang K, Avdievich E, Jin B, Werling U, Parris T, Kurihara N, Umar A, Kucherlapati R, Lipkin M, Kunkel TA,  Edelmann W.

Cancer Research 2004;64:517-22.


Structure-based assessment of missense mutations in human BRCA1: implications for breast and ovarian cancer predisposition.

Mirkovic N, Marti-Renom MA, Weber BL, Sali A, Monteiro AN.

Cancer Research 2004;64:3790-7.


Cancer variation associated with the position of the mutation in the BRCA2 gene.

Lubinski J, Phelan CM, Ghadirian P, Lynch HT, Garber J, Weber B, Tung N, Horsman D, Isaacs C, Monteiro AN., Sun P, Narod SA.

Familial Cancer. 2004;3:1-10.


Implications for breast and ovarian cancer predisposition.

Mirkovic N, Marti-Renom MA, Weber BL, Sali A, Monteiro AN.

Cancer Research 2004:64:3790-7.


Integrated evaluation of DNA sequence variants of unknown clinical significance: application to BRCA1 and BRCA2.

Goldgar DE, Easton DF, Deffenbaugh AM, Monteiro AN., Tavtigian SV, Couch FJ; Breast Cancer Information Core (BIC) Steering Committee.

American Journal of Human Genetics 2004;75:535-44.


Structure-based assessment of missense mutations in human BRCA1: implications for breast and ovarian cancer predisposition.

Mirkovic N, Marti-Renom MA, Weber BL, Sali A, Monteiro AN..

Cancer Research 2004;64:3790-7.


Cancer variation associated with the position of the mutation in the BRCA2 gene.

Lubinski J, Phelan CM, Ghadirian P, Lynch HT, Garber J, Weber B, Tung N, Horsman D, Isaacs C, Monteiro AN, Sun P, Narod SA.

Familial Cancer. 2004;3:1-10.




BRCA1: the enigma of tissue-specific tumor development.

Monteiro AN.

Trends in Genetics 2003;19312-5.


Nonsurgical evaluation of pathologic nipple discharge

Simmons R, Adamovich T, Brennan M, Christos P, Schultz M, Eisen C,

Osborne MP.

Annals of Surgical Oncology 2003;10:113-116.


Methylene blue dye as an alternative to isosulfan blue dye for sentinel lymph node localization

Simmons R, Thevarajah S, Brennan MB, Christos P, Osborne MP

Annals of Surgical Oncology 2003; 10: 242-247.


Absence of constitutional H2AX gene mutations in 101 hereditary breast cancer families.

Monteiro AN, Zhang S, Phelan CM, Narod SA.

Journal of Medical Genetics 2003; 40: e51.


Twist is up-regulated in response to Wnt1 and inhibits mouse mammary cell differentiation.

Howe LR, Watanabe O, Leonard J, Brown AM.

Cancer Research 2003;63:1906-13.


Specificity in signaling by c-Yes.

Summy JM, Sudol M, Eck MJ, Monteiro AN, Gatesman A, Flynn DC.

Frontiers in Bioscience 2003; 8: 185-205.


Wnt signalling regulates myogenic differentiation in the developing avian wing.

Anakwe K, Robson L, Hadley J, Buxton P, Church V, Allen S, Hartmann C,

Harfe B, Nohno T, Brown AM, Evans DJ, Francis-West P.

Development 2003;130:3503-14.


Twist is up-regulated in response to Wnt1 and inhibits mouse mammary cell differentiation.

Howe LR, Watanabe O, Leonard J, Brown AM.

Cancer Research 2003;63:1906-13.


BRCA1: the enigma of tissue-specific tumor development.

Monteiro AN.

Trends in Genetics 2003;19:312-5.


Novel cell culture models for prevention of human breast cancer.

Katdare M, Osborne MP, Telang NT.

International Journal of Oncology 2003; 22: 509-515.


Mouse models of gastrointestinal tumorigenesis for dietary cancer prevention studies.

Lamprecht SA, Lipkin M.

Nutrition Reviews 2003;61:255-8.


Cyclin D1 expression in the intestinal mucosa and tumors of Apc1638N mice.

Shinozaki H, Yang K, Fan K, Edelmann W, Kucherlapati R, Weinstein IB, Lipkin M.

Anticancer Research 2003;23:2217-26.


Chemoprevention of colon cancer by calcium, vitamin D and folate: molecular mechanisms.

Lamprecht SA, Lipkin M.

Nature Reviews: Cancer 2003;3:601-14.


Application of gene expression profiling to colon cell maturation, transformation and chemoprevention.

Augenlicht LH, Velcich A, Klampfer L, Huang J, Corner G, Aranes M, Laboisse C, Rigas B, Lipkin M, Yang K, Shi Q, Lesser M, Heerdt B, Arango D, Yang W, Wilson A, Mariadason JM.

Journal of Nutrition 2003;133:2410S-2416S.


Regional response leading to tumorigenesis after sulindac in small and large intestine of mice with Apc mutations.

Yang K, Fan K, Kurihara N, Shinozaki H, Rigas B, Augenlicht L, Kopelovich L, Edelmann W, Kucherlapati R, Lipkin M.

Carcinogenesis 2003;24:605-11.





Analysis of nipple/areolar involvement with mastectomy: Can the areola be preserved?

Simmons R, Brennan M, Christos P, King V, Osborne MP.

Annals of Surgical Oncology 2002; 9:165-168.


Preventive efficacy of receptor class selective retinoids on HER-2/neu oncogene expressing pre-neoplastic human mammary epithelial cells

Jinno H, Steiner MG, Nason-Burchenal K,Osborne MP, Telang NT.

International Journal of Oncology 2002;21127-134.


Soy isoflavone genistein modulates cell cycle progression and induces apoptosis in HER-2/neu oncogene expressing human breast epithelial cells.

Katdare M, Osborne MP, Telang NT

International Journal of Oncology 2002;21: 809-815.


Oral Contraceptives and the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers

Narod SA, Dubé MP, Klijn J, Lubinski J, Lynch HT, Ghadirian P, Provencher D, Heimdal K, Moller P, Robson M, Offit K, Isaacs C, Weber B, Friedman E, Gershoni-Baruch R, Rennert G, Pasini B, Wagner T, Daly M, Garber JE, Neuhausen SL, Ainsworth P, Olsson H, Eavns G, Osborne MP, Couch F, Foulkes WD, Warner E, Kim-Sing C, Olopade O, Tung N, Saal HM,

Weitzel J, Merajver S, Gauthier-Villars M, Jernstrom H, Sun P, Brunet JS

Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2002;94:1773-1779.


Pathological examination of sentinel lymph node in breast cancer: potential problems and possible solutions.

Hoda SA, Chiu A, Resetkova E, Harigopal M, Hoda RS, Osborne MP.

Microscopy Research and Technique 2002:15 85-91.


Wnt signaling promotes oncogenic transformation by inhibiting c-Myc-induced apoptosis.

You Z, Saims D, Chen S, Zhang Z, Guttridge DC, Guan KL, MacDougald OA, Brown AM, Evan G, Kitajewski J, Wang CY.

Journal of Cell Biology 2002;157:429-40.


Participation of BRCA1 in the DNA repair response...via transcription.

Monteiro AN.

Cancer Biology and Therapeutics 2002;1:187-8.


Mutations in the BRCT domain confer temperature sensitivity to BRCA1 in transcription activation.

Carvalho MA, Billack B, Chan E, Worley T, Cayanan C, Monteiro AN.

Cancer Biology and Therapeutics 2002;1:502-8.


A naturally occurring allele of BRCA1 coding for a temperature-sensitive mutant protein.

Worley T, Vallon-Christersson J, Billack B, Borg A, Monteiro AN.

Cancer Biology and Therapeutics  2002;1:497-501.


Specificity in signaling by c-Yes.

Summy JM, Sudol M, Eck MJ, Monteiro AN, Gatesman A, Flynn DC.

Front Bioscience 2003;8:185-205.


Early development of cancer chemoprevention clinical trials: studies of dietary calcium as a chemopreventive agent for human subjects.

Lipkin M.

European Journal of Cancer Prevention 2002;11 S65-S70.


Migrating colonic crypt epithelial cells: primary targets for transformation.

Lamprecht SA, Lipkin M.

Carcinogenesis 2002; 23:1777-80.


Mbd4 inactivation increases Cright-arrowT transition mutations and promotes gastrointestinal tumor formation.

Wong E, Yang K, Kuraguchi M, Werling U, Avdievich E, Fan K, Fazzari M, Jin B, Brown AM, Lipkin M, Edelmann W.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 2002;99:14937-42.


Haploinsufficiency of Flap endonuclease (Fen1) leads to rapid tumor progression.

Kucherlapati M, Yang K, Kuraguchi M, Zhao J, Lia M, Heyer J, Kane MF,

Fan K, Russell R, Brown AM, Kneitz B, Edelmann W, Kolodner RD, Lipkin M, Kucherlapati R.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 2002;99 9924-9.


Efficacy of chemopreventive agents for growth inhibition of Apc [+/-] 1638NCOL colonic epithelial cells.

Katdare M, Kopelovich L, Telang N.

International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2002;10:427-432.


Colorectal cancer in mice genetically deficient in the mucin Muc2.

Velcich A, Yang W, Heyer J, Fragale A, Nicholas C, Viani S, Kucherlapati R, Lipkin MYang K, Augenlicht L.

Science 2002;295:1726-9.


Colonic epithelial cell proliferation decreases with increasing levels of serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D.

Holt PR, Arber N, Halmos B, Forde K, Kissileff H, McGlynn KA, Moss SF, Kurihara N, Fan K, Yang K, Lipkin M.

Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 2002;11:113-9.



The publications listed from 1991 - 2023 are by scientists (bold type) who are or have been associated with Strang. Many of the more recent publications are by former Strang scientists who have moved to other institutions and enables tracking of their continuing work.



Natural products as drug candidates for breast cancer (Review).

Telang NT

Oncol. Letts. 26: 349, 2023.



Drug-resistant stem cells: Novel approach for colon cancer therapy.

Telang N

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23: 2519, 2022.


The divergent effects of ovarian steroid hormones in the MCF-7 model for Luminal A breast cancer: Mechanistic leads for therapy.

Telang NT
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23: 4800, 2022.


Stem cell models for cancer therapy.

Telang N

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23: 7055, 2022.


Anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects of ipsacus asperoides in a cellular model for triple-negative breast cancer.

Telang NT, Nair HB, Wong GYC
Arch. Breast Cancer 9: 66-75, 2022.




Isolation and characterization of chemo-resistant stem cells from a mouse model of hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer.

Telang N.
Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and Applications 14: 19-23, 2021.

Growth inhibitory efficacy of the nutritional herb Psoralia corylifolia in a model of triple- negative breast cancer.

Telang NT, Nair HB, Wong GYC
Int. J. Funct. Nutr. 2: 8, 2021.

Growth inhibitory efficacy of Chinese herbs in a cellular model for triple-negative breast cancer (Review).

Telang NT, Nair HB, Wong GYC
Pharmaceuticals 14: 1318, 2021.




Natural phytochemicals as testable therapeutic alternatives for HER-2-enriched breast cancer (Review).

Telang N.

World Acad. Sci. J. 2020; 2: 19, DOI: 10.3892/ wasj.2020.60


Stem cell models for genetically predisposed colon cancer (Review).

Telang N.

Oncol. Letts. 2020; 20: 138. DOI: 10.3892/ol.2020.11998. 




Stem cell targeted therapeutic approaches for molecular subtypes of clinical breast cancer.

Telang N.

World Acad. Sci. J. 2019; 1: 20-24


Targeting drug resistant stem cells in a human epidermal growth factor receptor-2-enriched breast cancer model. Telang N.

World Acad. Sci. J. 2019; 1: 86-91, 2019.


Growth inhibitory efficacy and anti-aromatase activity of Tabebuia avellanedae in a model for post-menopausal Luminal A breast cancer.

Telang N, Nair HB and Wong GYC.

Biomed. Rep. 2019; 11: 222-229.


Growth inhibitory efficacy of Cornus officinalis in a cell culture model for triple negative breast cancer.

Telang NT, Nair HB and Wong GYC.

Oncol. Letts. 2019; 17: 5261-5266. 




Anti-inflammatory drug resistance selects putative cancer stem cells in in a cellular model for genetically predisposed colon cancer.

Telang N.

Oncol. Letts. 2018; 15: 642-648.



Anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects of rosemary and constituent terpenoids in a model for the HER-2-enriched molecular subtype of clinical breast cancer.

Telang N.

Oncol. Letts. 2018; 16: 5489-5497.




The nutritional herb Epimedium grandiflorum inhibits the growth in a model for the Luminal A molecular subtype of breast cancer.

Telang N, Li G, Katdare M, Sepkovic DW, Bradlow HL and Wong GYC.

Oncol. Letts. 2017; 13: 2477-2482.


Growth inhibitory efficacy of natural products in a model for triple negative molecular subtype of clinical breast cancer.

Telang N.

Biomed. Rep. 2017; 7: 199-204.

Does shared decision making for PSA screening empower patients?
James Austin Talcott, Maureen Bezuhly, Gina Aharanoff, Jessica Herzstein, Michael P. Osborne, and Manjeet Chadha
Journal of Clinical Oncology 2017 35:6_suppl, e549
Do patients and doctors have the same conversation about colorectal cancer screening?
James Austin Talcott, Maureen Bezuhly, Jessica Herzstein, Michael P. Osborne, Kelly Cassano, and Manjeet Chadha
Journal of Clinical Oncology 2017 35:4_suppl, 532
Cancer screening, patient characteristics, and shared decision making (SDM): A complicated equation.
James Austin Talcott, Maureen Bezuhly, Gina Aharanoff, Danielle Seiden, Michael P. Osborne, and Manjeet Chadha
Journal of Clinical Oncology 2017 35:8_suppl, 164




Inhibitory effects of Chinese nutritional herbs in isogenic breast carcinoma cells with modulated estrogen receptor function.

Telang N, Li G, Katdare M, Sepkovic D, Bradlow HL and Wong GYC.

Oncol. Letts. 2016; 12: 3949-3957.


Do patients and physicians perceive PSA screening discussions the same?James Austin Talcott, Gina Aharonoff, Maureen Bezuhly, and Michael P. Osborne

Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016 34:2_suppl, 160 


Discussions of cancer screening: What do physicians say, what do patients hear, and how much shared decision making occurs?

James Austin Talcott, Gina Aharonoff, Maureen Bezuhly, Jessica Herzstein, Michael P. Osborne, and Floyd Jackson FowlerJournal of Clinical Oncology 2016 34:7_suppl, 180




Putative cancer initiating stem cells in cell culture models for molecular subtypes of clinical breast cancer.

Telang N.

Oncol. Letts. 2015; 10: 3840-3846.



Detection of recurrent breast cancer after TRAM flap reconstruction

Shaikh N, LaTrenta G, Swistel A, Osborne MP.

Annals of Plastic Surgery 2001;47:602-607.


Recurrence rates in patients with central or retroareolar breast cancers treated with mastectomy or lumpectomy

Simmons RM, Brennan MB, Christos P, Sckolnick M, Osborne MP.

American Journal of Surgery 2001;182:325-329.


Methylene blue dye as an alternative to isosulfan blue dye for localization of thensentinel lymph node

Simmons RM, Smith SM, Osborne MP.

Breast Journal 2001;7:181-183.


Wnt signaling in breast cancer: have we come full circle?

Brown AM

Breast Cancer Research 2001;3:351-5.


​Functional analysis of BRCA1 C-terminal missense mutations identified in breast and ovarian cancer families.

Vallon-Christersson J, Cayanan C, Haraldsson K, Loman N, Bergthorsson JT, Brøndum-Nielsen K, Gerdes AM, Møller P, Kristoffersson U, Olsson H, Borg A, Monteiro AN.

Human Molecular Genetics. 2001;10:353-60.


Investigation of the possible role of Wnt genes in human breast cancer.

Bergstein I, Schultz R, Osborne MP, Welcsh PL, Bowcock AM, Brown AM.

Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1995;768:257..


Comparison of calcium supplementation or low-fat dairy foods on epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation.

Holt PR, Wolper C, Moss SF, Yang K, Lipkin M.

Nutrition and Cancer 2001;4:150-5.


Cellular mechanisms of calcium and vitamin D in the inhibition of colorectal carcinogenesis.

Lamprecht SA, Lipkin M.

Annals of the New York Academy of Science 2001;952:73-87.


Decreased expression of DNA-dependent protein kinase, a DNA repair protein, during human colon carcinogenesis.

Rigas B, Borgo S, Elhosseiny A, Balatsos V, Manika Z, Shinya H, Kurihara N, Go M, Lipkin M.

Cancer Research 2001;61:8381-4.


A Western-style diet induces benign and malignant neoplasms in the colon of normal C57Bl/6 mice.

Newmark HL, Yang K, Lipkin M, Kopelovich L, Liu Y, Fan K, Shinozaki H.

Carcinogenesis 2001:11:1871-5..


The distinct spectra of tumor-associated Apc mutations in mismatch repair-deficient Apc1638N mice define the roles of MSH3 and MSH6 in DNA repair and intestinal tumorigenesis.

Kuraguchi M, Yang K, Wong E, Avdievich E, Fan K, Kolodner RD, Lipkin M, Brown AM, Kucherlapati R, Edelmann W.

Cancer Research 2001;61:7934-42.


Hyodeoxycholic acid efficiently suppresses atherosclerosis formation and plasma cholesterol levels in mice.

Sehayek E, Ono JG, Duncan EM, Batta AK, Salen G, Shefer S, Neguyen LB, Yang K, Lipkin M, Breslow JL.

Journal of Lipid Research 2001;42:1250-6.


25-hydroxyvitamin D-1alpha-hydroxylase in normal and malignant colon tissue.

Tangpricha V, Flanagan JN, Whitlatch LW, Tseng CC, Chen TC, Holt PR, Lipkin M, Holick MF.

Lancet 2001;357:1673-4


Targeted inactivation of the p21 (WAF1/cip1) gene enhances Apc-initiated tumor formation and the tumor-promoting activity of a Western-style high-risk diet by altering cell maturation in the intestinal mucosal.

Yang WC, Mathew J, Velcich A, Edelmann W, Kucherlapati R, Lipkin M, Yang K, Augenlicht LH.

Cancer Research 2001;61:565-9.


Chemopreventive agents inhibit aberrant proliferation of the aneuploid phenotype in a colon epithelial cell line established from Apc 1638N [+/-] mouse.

Katdare M, Kopelovich L, Telang N.

Annals of the New York Academy of Science 2001;952:169-174.




Microinvasive carcinoma (T1mic) of the breast: Clinico-pathologic profile of 21 Cases

Prasad ML, Osborne MP, Giri DD, Hoda SA.

American Journal of Surgical Pathology 2000; 24:422-428.


Determination of size in invasive breast carcinoma: Pathologic considerations and clinical implications

Shin SJ, Osborne MP, Moore A, Hayes MK, Hoda SA.

American Journal of Clinical Pathology 2000;113:S19-29.


Quantifying mammary duct carcinoma in situ: A wild goose chase?

Saqi A, Osborne MP, Rosenblatt R, Shin SJ, Hoda SA.

American Journal of Clinical Pathology 2000;113:S30-S37.


Predictive factors associated with axillary lymph node metastases in T1a and T1breast carcinomas: Analysis in more than 900 patients

Rivadeneira DE, Simmons RM, Christos PJ, Hanna K, Daly JM, Osborne MP.

Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2000;191:1-8.


Skin-sparing mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction: A critical analysis of local recurrence

Rivadeneira DE, Simmons RM, Fish SK, Gayle L, La Trenta GS, Swistel A, Osborne MP

Cancer Journal 2000;6:331-35.


Cell cycle regulation, apoptosis and estradiol biotransformation: novel endpoint biomarkers for human breast cancer prevention

Telang NT, Katdare M, Bradlow HL, Osborne MP.

Journal of Clinical Ligand Assay 2000;3:130-137.


Comparison of rate of development and rate of change for benign and malignant breast calcifications at the lumpectomy bed

Giess CS, Keating DM, Osborne MP, Mester J, Rosenblatt R.

American Journal of Roentgenology 2000;175:789-93.


Breast cancer chemoprevention

Rosenbaum Smith SM, Osborne MP.

American Journal of Surgery 2000;180:249-251.


Bone marrow micrometastases in breast cancer patients

Simmons R, Hoda S, Osborne MP.

American Journal of Surgery 2000;180:309-312.


Caveolin-1 expression inhibits Wnt/beta-catenin/Lef-1 signaling by recruiting beta-catenin to caveolae membrane domains.

Galbiati F, Volonte D, Brown AM, Weinstein DE, Ben-Ze'ev A, Pestell RG, Lisanti MP.

Journal of Biological Chemistry 2000;275:23368-77.


Shh and Wnt signaling pathways converge to control Gli gene activation in avian somites.

Borycki A, Brown AM, Emerson CP Jr.

Development 2000;127 2075-87.


Wnt-1 regulation of connexin43 in cardiac myocytes.

Ai Z, Fischer A, Spray DC, Brown AM, Fishman GI.

Journal of Clinical Investigation 2000; 105: 161-71.


BRCA1 can stimulate gene transcription by a unique mechanism.

Nadeau G, Boufaied N, Moisan A, Lemieux KM, Cayanan C, Monteiro AN, Gaudreau L.

European Molecular Biology Organization Reports 2000;1 260-5.


BRCA1: exploring the links to transcription.

Monteiro AN.

Trends in Biochemical Science 2000; 25: 469-74.


Functional assay for BRCA1: mutagenesis of the COOH-terminal region reveals critical residues for transcription activation.

Hayes F, Cayanan C, Barillà D, Monteiro AN.

Cancer Research 2000;60:2411-8.


A nuclear function for the tumor suppressor BRCA1.

Monteiro AN, Birge RB.

Histology and Histopathology 2000; 15: 299-307.


Programmed cell death, proliferating cell nuclear antigen and p53 expression in mouse colon mucosa during diet-induced tumorigenesis.

Risio M, Sarotto I, Rossini FP, Newmark H, Yang K, Lipkin M.

Annals of Cellular Pathology 2000; 21: 87-94.


BRCA1: exploring the links to transcription.

Monteiro AN.

Trends in Biochemical Science 2000;25:469-74.


Functional assay for BRCA1: mutagenesis of the COOH-terminal region reveals critical residues for transcription activation.

Hayes F, Cayanan C, Barillà D, Monteiro AN.

Cancer Research 2000;60:2411-8.


Tumor-associated Apc mutations in Mlh1-/- Apc1638N mice reveal a mutational signature of Mlh1 deficiency.

Kuraguchi M, Edelmann W, Yang K, Lipkin M, Kucherlapati R, Brown AM.

Oncogene 2000;19:5755-63.


Chemoprevention studies of the flavonoids quercetin and rutin in normal and azoxymethane-treated mouse colon.

Yang K, Lamprecht SA, Liu Y, Shinozaki H, Fan K, Leung D, Newmark H, Steele VE, Kelloff GJ, Lipkin M.

Carcinogenesis 2000;21:1655-60.


The DNA mismatch repair genes Msh3 and Msh6 cooperate in intestinal tumor suppression.

Edelmann W, Umar A, Yang K, Heyer J, Kucherlapati M, Lia M, Kneitz B, Avdievich E, Fan K, Wong E, Crouse G, Kunkel T, Lipkin M, Kolodner RD, Kucherlapati R.

Cancer Research 2000;60:803-7.




Patterns of colon cancer screening among companies in the U.S.: A descriptive survey

Oliveria S, Christos PJ, Visintainer PF, McDougall CJ, Osborne MP.

American Journal of Health Promotion 1999;13:146 -148.


Inhibition of aberrant proliferation and induction of apoptosis in HER-2/neu oncogene transformed human mammary epithelial cells by N-(4-hydroxyphenyl) retinamide

Jinno H, Steiner MG, Mehta RG, Osborne MP, Telang NT.

Carcinogenesis 1999;20:229 -236.


Myofibroblastoma in the irradiated breast

Yagmur Y, Prasad MJ, Osborne MP.

Breast Journal 1999;5:136 -140.


Role of estradiol metabolism and CYP1A1 polymorphisms in breast cancer risk

Taioli E, Bradlow HL, Garbers VV, Sepkovic DW, Osborne MP, Trachman J, Ganguly S, Garte SJ.

Cancer Detection and Prevention 1999;23:232-237.


Local tumor recurrence following breast-conservation therapy: Correlation of histopathologic findings with detection method and mammographic findings

Giess CS, Keating DM, Osborne MP., Rosenblatt R.

Radiology 1999;212:829-835.


Local and distant recurrence rates in skin-sparing mastectomies compared with non-skin-sparing mastectomies

Simmons RM, Fish SK, Gayle L, LaTrenta GS, Swistel A, Christos P,

Osborne MP.

Annals of Surgical Oncology 1999; 6: 676-681.


The evaluation of high risk and pre-invasive breast lesions and the decision process for follow up and surgical intervention

Simmons RM, Osborne MP.

Surgical Oncology 1999; 8: 55-65.


Wnt signaling: pathway or network?

Arias AM, Brown AM, Brennan K.

Current Opinions in Genetic Development 1999;9:447-54.


Update of preclinical and human studies of calcium and colon cancer prevention.

Lipkin M.

World Journal of Gastroenterology 1999;5:461-464.


Phytochemicals as modulators of cancer risk.

Bradlow HL, Telang NT, Sepkovic DW, Osborne MP

Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1999;472:207-21.


In vitro and In vivo modulation of growth regulation in the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7 by estradiolmMetabolites.

Suto A, Telang NT, Tanino H, Takeshita T, Ohmiya H, Osborne MP, Kubota T.

Breast Cancer 1999;6:87-92.


​Multifunctional aspects of the action of indole-3-carbinol as an antitumor agent.

Bradlow HL, Sepkovic DW, Telang NT, Osborne MP.

Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1999;889: 204-213.


Preclinical and early human studies of calcium and colon cancer prevention.

Lipkin M.

Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1999; 889:120-127.


Preclinical mouse models for cancer chemoprevention studies.

Lipkin M, Yang K, Edelmann W, Xue L, Fan K, Risio M, Newmark H, Kucherlapati R.

Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1999;889:14-19


Short-chain fatty acid metabolism, apoptosis, and Apc-initiated tumorigenesis in the mouse gastrointestinal mucosa.

Augenlicht LH, Anthony GM, Church TL, Edelmann W, Kucherlapati R, Yang K, Lipkin M, Heerdt BG.

Cancer Research 1999;59:6005-9.


Vitamin D, calcium and prevention of breast cancer: a review.

Lipkin M, Newmark HL.

Journal of the American College of Nutrition 1999;18:392S-397S.


Mouse models for colorectal cancer.

Heyer J, Yang K, Lipkin M, Edelmann W, Kucherlapati R.

Oncogene 1999;18:5325-33.


Dietary factors in human colorectal cancer.

Lipkin M, Reddy B, Newmark H, Lamprecht SA.

Annual Review of Nutrition 1999;19:545-86.


Calcium intake and colon cancer biomarkers.

Holt PR, Lipkin M, Newmark H.

Journal of the American Medical Association 1999;281:1172-3.


Tumorigenesis in Mlh1 and Mlh1/Apc1638N mutant mice.

Edelmann W, Yang K, Kuraguchi M, Heyer J, Lia M, Kneitz B, Fan K, Brown AM, Lipkin M, Kucherlapati R.

Cancer Research 1999;59:1301-7.


Influence of dietary calcium and vitamin D on diet-induced epithelial cell hyperproliferation in mice.

Xue L, Lipkin M, Newmark H, Wang J.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1999;91:176-8.



Alteration of oestradiol metabolism in myc oncogene-transfected mouse mammary epithelial Cells

Telang NT, Arcuri F, Granata OM, Bradlow HL, Osborne MP, Castagnetta L.

British Journal of Cancer 1998;77:1549-1554.


Application of an improved ELISA assay to the analysis of urinary estrogen metabolites Steroids

Bradlow HL, Sepkovic DW, Klug T, Osborne MP.

Steroids 1998;63:406-413.


Retroareolar breast carcinoma: clinical, imaging, and histopathologic features

Giess CS, Keating DM, Osborne MP, Ng YY, Rosenblatt R.

Radiology 1998;207:669-673.


ErbB-2 protein in sera and tumors of breast cancer patients

Breuer B, Smith S, Thor A, Edgerton S, Osborne MP, Minick R, Cody HS 3rd, Nowak E, Cortese A, Simmons RM, Carney WP, Brandt-Rauf PW.

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 1998;49:261-70.


Wnt signaling stabilizes the dual-function protein beta-catenin in diverse cell types.

Giarré M, Semënov MV, Brown AM.

Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1998; 857: 43-55.


BRCA1 regulates p53-dependent gene expression.

Ouchi T, Monteiro AN, August A, Aaronson SA, Hanafusa H.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 1998 3;95:2302-6.


Yeast-based assays for detection and characterization of mutations in BRCA1.

Monteiro AN, Humphrey JS.

Breast Disease 1998;10:61-70.


Dietary modulation of carcinoma development in a mouse model for human familial adenomatous polyposis.

Yang K, Edelmann W, Fan K, Lau K, Leung D, Newmark H, Kucherlapati R, Lipkin M.

Cancer Research1998;58:5713-7.


Inhibition of aberrant proliferation and induction of apoptosis in pre-neoplastic human mammary epithelial cells by natural phytochemicals.

Katdare M, Osborne MP, Telang NT.

Oncology Reports1998;5:311-315.




Prevention of mammary preneoplastic transformation by naturally-occurring tumor inhibitors

Katdare M, Singhal H, Newmark H, Osborne MP, Telang NT.

Cancer Letters 1997;111:141-147.


Estradiol metabolism: An endocrine biomarker for modulation of human mammary Carcinogenesis

Telang NT, Katdare M, Bradlow HL, Osborne MP

Environmental Health Perspectives 1997;105:559-564.


No effect of timing of biopsy in the menstrual cycle on incidence of bone marrow micrometastasis in patients with breast cancer

Singhal H, Potter C, Osborne MP.

Annals of Surgical Oncology 1997;4:503-505.


Inhibition of proliferation and modulation of estradiol metabolism: Novel mechanisms for breast cancer prevention by the phytochemical indole-3-carbinol

Telang NT, Katdare M, Bradlow HL, Osborne MP, Fishman J.

Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 1997;216:246-252.


Dilemmas in breast disease:  Prophylactic mastectomy

Simmons RM, Osborne MP.

Breast Journal 1997 3:372-379.


Predictors of intrusive thoughts and avoidance in women with family histories of breast cancer

Zakowski SG, Valdimardottir HB, Bovbjerg DH, Borgen P, Holland J, Kash K, Miller DG, Mitnick J, Osborne MP, Van Zee K.

Annals of Behavioral Medicine 1997; 19: 362-369.


Isolation of two novel WNT genes, WNT 14 and WNT 15, one of which (WNT15) is closely linked to WNT3 on human chromosome 17q21

Bergstein I, Eisenberg LM, Bhalerao J, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Osborne MP

Bowcock AM, Brown AMC.

Genomics 1997;46:450-458.


Prevalence of recurring BRCA mutations among Ashkenazi Jewish women with breast cancer.

Robson M, Dabney MKRosenthal G, Ludwig S, Seltzer MH, Gilewski T, Haas B, Osborne MP, Norton L, Gilbert F, Offit K.

Genetic Testing 1997;1:47-51.


Dose-ranging study of indole-3-carbinol for breast cancer prevention.

Wong GYC, Bradlow L, Sepkovic D, Mehl S, Mailman J, Osborne MP.

Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 1997;S28-29:111-116


Negative growth regulation of oncogene-transformed mammary epithelial cells by tumor inhibitors.

Telang NT, Inoue S, Bradlow HL, Osborne MP

Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1997;400A:409-418.


BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations and breast cancer in Ashkenazi Jewish women

Gilbert F, Dabney MK, Diemer K, Ludwig S, Rosenthal G, Osborne MP.

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1997;833:198-203.


Medical hypothesis: bifunctional genetic-hormonal pathways to breast cancer

Davis DL, Telang NT, Osborne MP, Bradlow HL.

Environmental Health Perspectives 1997;S105:571-576.


Isolation of two novel WNT genes, WNT14 and WNT15, one of which (WNT15) is closely linked to WNT3 on human chromosome 17q21.

Bergstein I, Eisenberg LM, Bhalerao J, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG,  Osborne MP, Bowcock AM, Brown AM.

Genomics 1997;46:450-8.


Transformation by Wnt family proteins correlates with regulation of beta-catenin.

Shimizu H, Julius MA, Giarré M, Zheng Z, Brown AM, Kitajewski J.

Cell Growth and Differentiation 1997 8:1349-58.


Inhibition of chondrogenesis by Wnt gene expression in vivo and in vitro.

Rudnicki JA, Brown AM.

Developmental Biology 1997;185:104-18.


Avoidable causes of breast cancer: the known, unknown, and the suspected.

Davis DL, Axelrod D, Osborne M, Telang N, Bradlow HL, Sittner E

Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1997;833:112-28.


Cancer prevention.

Osborne M, Boyle P, Lipkin M.

Lancet 1997;349 Suppl 2: SII27-30.


Common BRCA1 variants and transcriptional activation.

Monteiro AN, August A, Hanafusa H.

American Journal of Human Genetics 1997; 61: 761-2.




Indole-3-carbinol. A novel approach to breast cancer prevention

Bradlow HL, Sepkovic DW, Telang NT, Osborne MP.

Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1996;768180-200.


Hormonal intervention in breast cancer: Past, present and future

Osborne MP.

Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1996;784:427-432.


Microsatellite instability differences between familial and sporadic ovarian cancers

Arzimanoglou II, Lallas T, Osborne MP, Barber H, Gilbert F.

Carcinogenesis 1996;9:1799-1804.


Breast cancer cells cultured in a system of new design presecrete an extracellular matrix and proliferate within it without cell-cell adhesion

Fishman JH, Gonzalez A, Osborne MP.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 1996;220:467-471.


Estrogen metabolites as bio-reactive modulators of tumor initiators and promoters

Bradlow L, Telang NT, Osborne MP.

Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1996;387:285-296.


Evidence for a transcriptional activation function of BRCA1 C-terminal region.

Monteiro AN, August A, Hanafusa H.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 1996;93:13595-9.


2-hydroxyestrone: the 'good' estrogen.

Bradlow HL, Telang NT, Sepkovic DW, Osborne MP

Journal of Endocrinology 1996;150:S259-S265.


Oncogenes, estradiol biotransformation, and mammary carcinogenesis.

Telang NT.

Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1996;784 277-287.



Myogenesis in paraxial mesoderm: preferential induction by dorsal neural tube and by cells expressing Wnt-1.

Stern HM, Brown AM, Hauschka SD.

Development 1995;121:3675-86.


A collaborative survey of 80 mutations in the BRCA1 breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene

Shattuck-Eidens D, McClure M, Simard J, Labrie F, Narod S, Couch F, Hoskins K, Weber B, Castilla L, Erdos M, Brody L, Friedman L, Ostermeyer E, Szabo C, King MC, Jharwar S, Offit K, Norton L, Gilewski T, Lubin M, Osborne MP,   Black D, Boyd M, Steel M, Ingles S, Haile R, Lindblom A, Olsson H, Borg A, Bishop DT, Solomon E, Radice P, Spatti G, Gayther S, Ponder B, Warren W, Stratton M, Liu Q, Fujimura F, Lewis C, Skolnick M, Goldgar E.

Journal of the American Medical Association 1995;273:535-541.


Investigation of the possible role of Wnt genes in human breast cancer.

Bergstein I, Schultz R, Osborne MP, Welcsh PL, Bowcock AM, Brown AM.

Annals of the New York Academy of Science. 1995;768: 257.


Psychological distress in women with a familial risk of breast cancer

Valdimarsdottir HB, Bovberg DH, Kash KM, Holland JC, Osborne MP, Miller DG.



Anti-proliferative effects of garlic constituents in cultured human breast cancer cells

Li G, Osborne MP, Tiwari RK.

Oncology 1995;2:787-791.


The role of estrogen in mammary carcinogenesis.

Fishman J, Osborne MP, Telang NT.

Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1995;768:91-100.


Chemoprevention of mammary preneoplasia. In-vitro effects of a green tea polyphenol

Araki R, Inoue S, Osborne MP, Telang NT.

Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1995;768: 215-222.


Psychological counseling strategies for women at risk of breast cancer

Holland JC, Osborne MP, Miller DG.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Monograph 1995;17:73-79.


Estrogen metabolite ratios and risk assessment of hormone-related cancers.  Assay validation and prediction of cervical cancer risk

Sepkovic DW, Bradlow HL, Ho G, Hankinson SE, Gong L, Osborne MP, Fishman J.

Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1995;768:312-316.


Clonal heterogeneity in murine liver myofibroblasts.

Monteiro AN, Geremias AT, Borojevic R.Braz

Journal of Medical and Biological Research 1995;28:457-66.


Complement-dependent induction of DNA synthesis and cell proliferation in human liver connective tissue cells in vitro.

Monteiro AN, Borojevic R.

In Vitro Cell Developmental Biology: Animal Sciences 1995;31:149-55.


Differentiation of immortal cells inhibits telomerase activity.

Sharma HW, Sokoloski JA, Perez JR, Maltese JY, Sartorelli AC, Stein CA, Nichols G, Khaled Z,   Narayanan R.

Proceeding of the National Academy of Science USA 1995;92:12343-12346.




Selective responsiveness of human breast cancer cells to indole-3-carbinol, a chemopreventive agent

Tiwari RK, Guo L, Bradlow HL, Telang NT, Osborne MP.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1994;86:126-131.


Catechol estrogen production in rat microsomes after treatment with indole-3-carbinol, ascorbigen, or B-naphthaflavone:  A comparison of stable isotope dilution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and radiometric methods

Sepkovic DW, Bradlow HL, Michnovicz J, Murtezani S, Levy I, Osborne MP

Steroids 1994;59:318-322.


Effect of tamoxifen on mammary preneoplasia: Relevance to chemopreventive intervention

Telang NT, Bradlow HL, Osborne MP.

Cancer Detection and Prevention 1994;18:313-321.


Detection and management of bone marrow micrometastases in breast cancer

Osborne MP, Rosen PP.

Oncology 1994;8:25-31.


Psychological distress and adherence to screening behaviors in women at genetic risk for breast cancer

Kash KM, Holland JC, Miller DG, Osborne MP

Psychosomatic  Medicine 1994;56:148-149.


Long-term responses of women to indole-3-carbinol or a high fiber diet

Bradlow HL, Michnovicz JJ, Halper M, Miller DG, Wong GY, Osborne MP

Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 1994;3:591-595.


Salvage surgery for recurrence after breast conservation

Osborne MP, Simmons RM.

World Journal of Surgery 1994;18:93-97.


Estrogen metabolism and excretion in Oriental and Caucasian women.

Bradlow HL, Fishman J, Telang NT, Osborne MP.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1994;86:1643-5.


Mammary ductal epithelial cell hyperproliferation and hyperplasia induced by a nutritional stress diet containing four components of a western-style diet.

Khan N, Yang K, Newmark H, Wong G, Telang N, Rivlin R, Lipkin M.

Carcinogenesis 1994;15:2645-8.


Chemoprevention of mammary tumor virus-induced and chemical carcinogen-induced rodent mammary tumors by natural plant products.

Bhide SV, Azuine MA, Lahiri M, Telang NT.

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 1994;30:233-42.





Alterations in proliferative and endocrine responsiveness of human mammary carcinoma cells by prototypic tumor suppressing agents

Suto A, Bradlow HL, Kubota T, Kitajima M, Wong GY, Osborne MPTelang NT.

Steroids 1993;58:215-219


Reporting bilaterality status in first-degree relatives with breast cancer: A validity study

Breuer B, Kash K, Rosenthal G, Diemer K, Osborne MP, Miller DG.

Genetic Epidemiology 1993;10:245-256.


Gene induction by interferons in BT-20 cells.

Tiwari RK, Guo L, Mukhopadhyay B, Wong GY, Osborne MP.

International Journal of Oncology 1993;3:481-487.


Expression of biomarkers for transformation in 7, 12-dimethylbenz[a] anthracene-treated mammary epithelial cells.

Garg A, Suto A, Osborne MP, Gupta RC, Telang NT.

International Journal of Oncology 1993;3:185-189.


Detection of elevated c-erbB-2 oncoprotein in the serum and tissue in breast cancer.

Breuer B, Luo J, DeVivo I, Pincus M, Tatum AH, Daucher J, Minick R, Osborne MP, Miller DG, Nowak E, Cody H, Carney WP, Brandt-Rauf PW.

Medical Science Research 1993;21:383-384.


Detection of serum c-myc oncoprotein in cancer patients by immunoblot

DeVivo I, Breuer B, Smith S, Milling C, Pincus M, Tatum AH, Daucher J,

Niman H, Minick R, Osborne MP, Miller DG, Nowak E, Cody H, Brandt-Rauf PW.

Medical Science Research 1993;21:345-347.


Upregulation of estradiol C16α-hydroxylation in human breast tissue:  A potential biomarker of breast cancer risk

Osborne MP, Bradlow HL, Wong GYC, Telang NT.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1993;85:1917-1920.


Experimental down-regulation of intermediate biomarkers of carcinogenesis in mouse mammary epithelial cells

Suto A, Bradlow HL, Wong GYC, Osborne MP, Telang NT.

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 1993;27:193-202.


Genotoxic damage and aberrant proliferation in mouse mammary epithelial cells.

Telang NT, Suto A, Bradlow HL, Wong GY, Osborne MP.

Recent Progress in Hormone Research 1993;48:481-488.




Salvage mastectomy for local-regional relapse after breast conserving surgery and radiation therapy Surgery

Osborne MP, Borgen PI, Wong GY, Rosen PP, McCormick B.

Gynecology and Obstetrics 1992;174:189-194.


The effect of tamoxifen on pre-neoplastic cell proliferation in N-nitroso-N-methylurea-induced mammary carcinogenesis

Osborne MP, Ruperto JF, Crowe JP, Rosen PP, Telang NT.

Cancer Research 1992;52:1477-1480.


Antisense RNA to the putative tumor-suppressor gene DCC transforms Rat-1 fibroblasts

Narayanan R, Lawlor KG, Schaapveld RQJ, Cho KR, Vogelstein B, Tran PB-V, Osborne MP, Telang NT.

Oncogene 1992;7:553-561.


Induction by estrogen metabolite 16a-hydroxestrone of genotoxic damage and aberrant proliferation in mouse mammary epithelial cells

Telang NT, Suto A, Wong GY, Osborne MP, Bradlow HL.

Journal of National Cancer Institute 1992;84634-638.


HER-2/neu amplification and overexpression in primary human breast cancer is associated with early metastasis

Tiwari RK, Borgen PI, Cordon-Cardo C, Osborne MP.

Anticancer Research 1992;12:419-426.


Cowden's Disease: A case report with analyses at the molecular level

Willard W, Borgen P, Bol R, Tiwari R, Osborne MP.

Cancer 1992;69:2969-2974.


Persistent endocrine responsiveness of ras oncogene-transformed mouse mammary epithelial cells

Suto A, Bradlow HL, Wong GY, Osborne MP, Telang NT.

Steroids 1992;57:262-268.


Molecular and endocrine biomarkers in non-involved breast: relevance to cancer chemoprevention

Telang NT, Bradlow HL, Osborne MP

Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 1992;16:161-169.


Current management of male breast cancer:  A review of 104 cases

Borgen PI, Vlamis V, Potter C, Hoffman B, Wong GY, Kinne DW, Osborne MP,

McKinnon WMP.

Annals of Surgery 1992;215:451-459.


Antisense RNA to the putative tumor suppressor gene "Deleted in Colorectal Cancer" transforms fibroblasts

Lawler KG, Telang NT, Osborne MP, Schaapveld RQ, Cho KR, Vogelstein B, Narayanan R.

Annals of New York Academy of Sciences 1992;660 283-285.


Breast cancer in patients irradiated for Hodgkin’s disease:  A clinical and pathological analysis of 45 events in 37 patients

Yahalom J, Petrek JA, Biddinger PW, Kessler S, Dershaw DD, McCormick B, Osborne MP, Rosen PP.

Journal of Clinical Oncology 1992;10:1674-1681.


Desensitization of human breast cancer cells by interferon

Tiwari RK, Mukhopadhyay B, Osborne MP.

International Journal of Oncology 1992;5:601-605


Detection of local recurrence after conservation therapy for breast carcinoma

Dershaw DD, McCormick B, Osborne MP.

Cancer 1992;70:493-496.


Diet, oncogenes and tumor viruses as modulators of estrogen metabolism in vivo and in vitro

Bradlow HL, Michnovicz JJ, Telang NT, Osborne MP,

Cancer Detection and Prevention 1992;16:S38-S42.




Effects of dietary indole-3-carbinol on estradiol metabolism and spontaneous mammary tumors in mice.

Bradlow HL, Michnovicz J, Telang NT, Osborne MP.

Carcinogenesis 1991;12:1571-1574.


Coordinated expression of intermediate biomarkers for tumorigenic transformation in RAS-transfected mouse mammary epithelial cells.

Telang NT, Narayanan R, Bradlow HL, Osborne MP.

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 1991;18:155-163.


Modulation of gene expression by selected fatty acids in human breast cancer cells.

Tiwari RK, Mukhopadhyay B, Telang NT, Osborne MP.

Anticancer Research 1991;11:1383-1388.


Preneoplastic transformation in mouse mammary tissue: identification and validation of intermediate biomarkers for chemoprevention.

Telang NT, Kurihara H, Wong GY, Bradlow HL, Osborne MP.

Anticancer Research 1991;11:1021-1027.


Interferon-alpha and gamma mediated gene responses in a human breast carcinoma cell line.

Tiwari RK, Wong GY, Mukhopadhyay B, Telang NT, Liu J, Hakes TB, Osborne MP.

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 1991;18:33-41.


Biotransformation of estradiol by explant culture of human mammary tissue.

Telang NT, Axelrod DM, Wong GY, Bradlow HL, Osborne MP.

Steroids 1991;56:37-43.


Effects of marginal dietary zinc deficiency and vitamin E supplementation on hepatic adenine dinucleotide phosphoribosyl transferase activity in female Sprague-Dawley rats

Seres DS, Bunk MJ, Osborne MP, Rivlin RS, Tiwari RK.

Nutrition Research 1991;11:337-345.


Significance of lymph nodes visualized by the mammographic axillary view

Dershaw DD, Panicek DM, Osborne MP.

Breast Diseases 1991;4:271-280.


Sensitivity of immunocytochemical detection of breast cancer cells in human bone marrow

Osborne MP, Asina S, Wong GY, Old LJ, Cote RJ, Rosen PP.

Cancer Research 1991;51:2706-2709.


Prediction of early relapse in patients with operable breast cancer by detection of occult bone marrow micrometastases

Cote RJ, Rosen PP, Lesser ML, Old LJ, Osborne MP.

Journal of Clinical Oncology 1991;9:1749-1756.


Preneoplastic transformation in mouse mammary tissue: identification and validation of intermediate biomarkers for chemoprevention

Telang NT, Kurihara H, Wong GY, Bradlow HL, Osborne MP.

Anticancer Research 1991;11:1021-1028.


Augmentation of cytotoxicity using combinations of interferon (types I and II), tumor necrosis factor and tamoxifen in MCF-7 cells

Tiwari RK, Wong GY, Liu I, Miller D, Osborne MP.

Cancer Letters 1991;61:45-52.

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