Cancer Prevention Institute
Dedicated to promoting cure by early detection and research to prevent cancer since 1933

Early detection is your best protection
Strang Event 2015
Thursday October 15, 2015
6- 8:30 PM
Presidents Room
New York Athletic Club
180 Central Park South (at 7th Avenue) New York, NY
A Special Evening
A Celebration of Mitchell Gaynor, MD
Renowned Oncologist and Pioneer in Integrative Medicine
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College
A Reflection on the Career of Dr. Gaynor
Michael Osborne MD, MSurg, FRCS, FACS
Co-Founder and President Strang Cancer Prevention Institute
Sheldon Feldman, MD
Chief, Breast Surgery New York-Presbyterian/Columbia
Video Introduction
Merle K Barash, MA AEd, MA Psya
Co-Founder and Secretary on the Board of Trustees Strang Cancer Prevention Institute
Video Presentation of the new book
The Gene Therapy Plan: Taking Control of Your Genetic Destiny with Diet and Lifestyle
We are introduced to the Next Evolution of Medicine: Prevention of Disease at the Genetic Level
6:00 PM - Hors d’oeuvres & Cocktails
7:00 PM - Program
The Event is Fully Booked
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Event Design Merle K. Barash